Wind-Up LED Flashlight ~ Thrifty Under Fifty: Living & Gift-Giving on the Cheap
Wind-Up LED Flashlight

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wind-Up LED Flashlight

Item: Wind-Up LED Flashlight

Price: $8.99

Where to Buy:

Review: Out of all of the holiday and birthday gifts my husband has received from my family, the wind-up flashlight that he got for Christmas has to make the top 5 list.

Yeah, it's a practical gift, but also surprisingly old-school and fun. A few cranks (the whoosh of the gears make it sound just like a toy from your youth!) and you'll have an extraordinarily bright white light for the home or the car.

My favorite part? The weight. I mug full of water is at least twice as heavy.

My second favorite part? It never needs batteries. The energy-conscious cheapskate in me loves that.

Image from:

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